Sunday, September 13, 2009

a mild winter's whisked by&spring's sprung since my 1st posting in june. 
my lovely feisty nana died on september 3rd. her mental cogs and gears were just slippin and snaggin ever more; she locked herself outside in a courtyard at 4a.m one freezing morning and had a core temp of 25degrees by the time she was rescued 5hours later.    that didnt kill her but it seemed to contribute to an accelerated physical decline. 
although cognitive continuity went west and narrative temporal awareness got randomised, she mostly retained her ability to identify the people in her life. nothing else seemed to make more than fleeting sense though and she was frequently confused about where she was, unable to locate the 'home' she wasnt in but sad about its lack; an unassuagable saudade. my mum, her sister val &/or my dad saw nana virtually every day of the last few months of her life and in his eulogy at her funeral my dad recollected how she'd ask, each day as they arrived to visit, 'how did you know where to find me?' so poignant that lostness.
6 of us spoke at the funeral. the different styles and angles of reflection on her life and influence knitted together well into a colourful blanket of tribute. i thought so. maybe she disagreed cos a nasty wave of gastro's done the rounds of the assembled over the week since then. 

during the long slow afternoon between funeral and family wake, madi and daisy made a short(stop motion) animated film called milk teeth. it featured a band (the milk teeth of the title) made out of toilet rolls on a stage made from a shoebox, culminating in their bloody deaths due to a billboard poster of their #1 fan toppling onto them post-gig.

this isnt really what i intended to write but just what popped out of my typing fingers. seeing as you've found me here in a corner of internet world lynne i feel i oughta get some more writing up for reading.

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